Our Team

The team of Calinix that bring you the Awesome Products

Arghya Sarkar (jay)
CEO | Project Lead | Founder

I started CalinixOS (which gave rise to the whole Calinix Project) in August 2021 when I was 13. I develop CalinixOS, manage the whole project, manage websites, designs and am in charge for packaging, configuring Calinix etc.

Shashank Pandey
Developer | Social Media Manager | Graphic Designer

I manage the social media sites, design the graphics and manage the web services for Calinix

Avanindra Chakraborty
Developer | Betatester

I help in developing GUI Apps and tests development ISOs. I'm also the Discord Mod of Calinix Official and manage Reddit

Nicholas Keith (nkeithw)

I market CalinixOS, take part in Team Discussions, Motivate the rest to Continue their Work in the same spirit